The Essential Video Meeting Guide

Read and upvote this story on This is a guide I wrote with a professional editor to sell it but we decided to publish it here for free. Enjoy: How to prepare for a video call You might think video calling is trivial. You just…

The Essential Video Meeting Guide (Part 1)

How to prepare for a video call You might think video calling is trivial. You just switch on a camera and then have a meeting. But there is so much more to it. Once, I aligned my camera in FaceTime so that my room wasn’t visible. When…

Toilet paper shortage? Learn how to hygienically clean your butt without toilet paper 💩

Toilet paper shortage? Learn how to hygienically clean your butt without toilet paper 💩 Why this article? The toilet paper shortage made me write this blogpost about how you can hygienically clean your butt with water only. After reading…

Five years after moving to Switzerland. Why I am still here.

When I came to Zurich in 2014 to work as a Python and Javascript developer I believed to only stay 2–3 years maximum and then leave to the US. After I wrote “Nine reasons why I moved to Switzerland to work in tech” people started mailing…

Why anti-harassment policies fail. Grok Trump’s tweets to learn how to fix them.

tl:dr; Anti-harassment rules/‘code of conducts’ are useless and maybe even harmful. Learn to use effective persuasion to help stop harassment: Change ineffective and negative DON’Ts to positive “DO’s”. For those who don’t know,…

Switzerland: How buying real-estate can kill you financially and two reasons to go for stocks instead

tl;dr Houses are bad investments due to foreign millionaires inflating real-estate for the rest of us. Stocks are better: There is zero tax on capital gain and an interesting estate tax treaty with the US, so one can buy cheap ETFs. Almost…